Maceo Moreau

Yes we Ozcan

From the mind and screen of Macéo Moreau (whose own skateboarding prowess LIVE has repped quite a few times in the past), this edit of footage of various urban locations orchestrated by Kevin Ozcan's talents - that recently earned him the cover of the latest issue of Déjà Vu Skatemag - just dropped, and it hits hard. Kevin's skateboarding is as surprising as it is gnarly, and so are his spots; a picture only sublimed by some nimble Sony VX-1000 maneuvering and quite the tasteful editing. Any skate clip urging you to turn the volume up instead of down in the year twenty twenty is remarkable, but this particular one especially owes that designation to how brimming it is with motivation of a type that's probably infectious...

The one and only Terrasse

The Cinquième Terrasse is one of the busiest and most active crews in Paris, even if we had not heard enough news lately. That's a smashing comeback with "TONY G" seven minutes of great skateboarding that goes way too fast for my taste. This video shows well that we are coming to a time when making the unique is worth as much, if not more, than doing the perfect. To skate a city in its own way is like showing the peculiarities that we perceive there and to highlight what we like in it. Paris under the gaze of the Cinquième Terrasse is really unique. They give off a crazy energy that is really personal to them. And when it comes to style, if Christian Hosoi validates it, you can imagine that it's not for nothing.


"ERORI" is the name of the new Wasted video, filmed over about ten days whilst on a trip to Zaragoza, Spain. LIVE here, and now!

The great Olivier Fanchon was in charge of the editing, and found some time to spare to present his newborn to you in a few paragraphs, just below...


The Cinquième Terrasse crew hits again! The Franco-Swiss gang returns with anew video called Samou. Always so much energy and good mood, and their skate is still so pleasant to watch. it’s not to say, it’s beautiful youth.


Remember how we have been telling you about some hyper-activity happening recently in Marseille? Well, this edit just confirms it, via the BMG crew, including Victor Campillo whose name you keep seeing here… But the homies are shredding too, fear not!


The Unemployed homies are back with a more bucolic version of their beloved Marseille (no street violence, this time…) and a few famous guests, including Sean Pablo in full nod to Aaron Suski, and even Jake Johnson, once again mastering an impossible trick: the dreaded slappy nosegrind. Yep, Marseille is about that street stuff, we tell ya!

For the brothers

With everything coming out of Marseille these days, one could states that the new generation has finally admitted that their city will never be one known for its plaza, but is rather a gold mine for hard to skate little gems scattered around, as proves this nice edit, dedicated to a friend gone too early…

Jeunes de maintenant

If you ever wonder what might be happening these days in Paris, young Augustin Giovannoni should be your best bet… Proof here, in moving images, with a nice little postcard resulting from his recent adventures. And, if you want to know more, from now on, you will be able to follow the #liveSBreport!

Savate "Trompe Le Monde"

An ode to celebrate that unknown spot at the very deep end of the industrial area of the suburb of that lost village? Off, this is what Savate is all about! Those guys know that spots are where you go look for them, they do… This should plant the seed that will make you plan out a summer trip with your friends. That's their goal, at least.

Marc-A Barbier "Safe"

If you've been skating in Paris, regularly or on a trip, you will not have missed Marc-Alexandre, or "Marc-A" as everybody calls him. He's on point, to say the least, and has been for a few years now, despite his young age, and it should not change anytime soon. One will note his personal approach of the spot, whatever it might be, and skills when it comes to flip his board, whenever he sees fit… Yup, we dig him, and this is why we decided to send Augustin his way to produce this part.

The Magic Number

The classic spots, the other ones hidden in back alleys, the old timers, the fresh faces, the locs and the tourists: they all here! Paris, Berlin and London are three cities more than rich in character, and this is what the De Paris Yearbook crew has been pushing on us for a couple years now, and their latest video production is in the direct logic of this editorial line. But, let's not forget that De Paris, Aus Berlin and Of London are –before all– books you will be more than happy to find on your shelves in a few years!


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