Oscar Candon

Minuit Exp. 3

Yoan Taillandier of Minuit fame and glory just came back to leave his yearly mark on your retinas via the web release of "MINUIT EXP. 3" (thus the sequel to "EXP. 1", "2" and really so much more skate video history): four minutes and some crumbs worth of the best maneuvered Sony VX-1000 in the game for over a decade now, and mostly Bordeaux-based action with, notably, footage of Futoshi Tokuyama's French vacation way back in 2015. Coincidentally making for the perfect Magenta-tinted transition to also point at this new Soy Panday Lyon clip by Bastien Regeste, here!

Giddy 11

Romain Batard, the French skate filmmaker LIVE really shouldn't have to introduce to you by now just on the basis of his longevity in the field, is back today with the eleventh chapter in his series-turned-saga "GIDDY" - and pretty clearly the most ambitious one that is, also including contributions from some equally prestigious video fiends, for a timeline just short of twenty minutes in total - but rest assured you won't catch a break!

On the menu: stunts from the usual suspects - Edouard DepazValentin BauerJoseph BiaisLilian FevMarc-A BarbierRemy Taveira - but also many others (including Max Palmer, Sylvain Tognelli, Mika Germond, Dustin Dollin... Quite the universal roster!), immortalized on Parisian spots aplenty - some classic ones and some more rare nugs, all approached with a sweet creative twist. Out of many examples, one of Soy's many fountains gets reinvented (and that's despite the mysterious disappearance of the corresponding Instagram account), but really it's the whole landscape of the French capital that gets dripped into new colors here, from the most famous plazas to the most unknown street corners possible (e.g.. le Dôme's three-flat-three, or the benches at République)... All in great fun as well, just bathing in the rhythm of the daily sessions.

Chic, chic, chic!

And as a complementary bonus, we are happy to share with y'all this photo gallery, by Max Verret!


We already knew that filmmaker James Craven chose the less beaten path more often than not, while managing to get some skating done, but this time, for a new Grey project, he goes for a different mood, as, for once refrain from going North, and heads closer to the Equator, and Sri Lanka, to see what's to be found there, with once again an ATV crew, if not more Francophone than usual. While keeping the same special mood that is his signature, by now.

Double deuce

Yep, those two make for a powerful pair, where their differences of approach just add up to multiply its effects on the viewers… Let's note that Mister Candon manages to reinvent the wheel (or at least find a new line!) at the Fontaine des Innocents spot, while Mister Salah straight up murders the tech side! All filmed by Yoan Taillandier, for Futur.

Enfer, oui!

Augustin Giovannoni returns with "Hell yeah" and in addition to being the title of the video, it is surely also what we all had to shout at the end of the viewing. We know the talent of the guy behind the camera, with his many videos and more recently the famous "Live Sb Report". In fact, today Augustin is the eye that immortalizes the best the Parisian skateboarding in recent years. On the menu we have the right to more or less all the Paris scene igniting the asphalt of the capital. Simple effective, hard to find a better menu.

The solution

We know it, Sour is here to work on solving all major world troubles, and their second full-length proves it without a doubt… You know them all, and nobody is here to disappoint, but end of the day, history books will remember the first ever street loop! Hats off, Mister Isaksson…

Oh, yep, we love you, Oscar!


Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson, Karl Salah, Oscar Candon for the skating, and Yohan Taillandier behind the fisheye, obviously the result is impressive. This is the fourth opus of the Future Inc’s Timeline series, and the least we can say is that the technique is there. There is nothing that exceeds, each trick is clear and precise, a treat for the pupils.

8 ball!

We barely had time to recover from the seventh episode, that Romain Batard dazzles us with an eighth Giddy. And this time the cast that travels through the streets of Paris is even bigger than as usual. We even have the right to a little touch of romanticism that makes everything so harmonious. Add a rather serious featuring by Steve Malet!

Dans le Futur

Oscar Candon always more powerful, always more impressive. The spots are clearly really complex to skate, but he does it very well and with a lot of speed. A true force of nature in his new part for Futur filmed and edited by Olivier Fanchon.

Gimme five!

"Look, ma', no hand!" Oh wait, yes hand, yes hands actually, and yes feet too… All in good spirits too, as always, when we speak about  Romain Batard!

Santé, Oscar!

No doubt that in between his all-terrain abilities and undeniable power, Oscar Candon still remains one of the most exciting French skaters these days! Proof here in moving images…


Euro Giddy!

If you ever wonder who's is really on one in French skateboarding at the moment, the best response we could offer you would be the keys to hack Romain Batard's hard-drives… They all here: Parisians, non-Parisians, tourists, visitors and dabblers! We will set aside the Taveira case, here, as he steals the show here –as in every other skate edit these days– to highlight Felipe Bartolome that appears here with no more mane and in great form!


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