Phil Zwijsen

Woop, woop!

It's a kind of magic, that Jaakko guy got, right!???

The route of all spots

The principle is quite simple, a small French team and a Phil Zwijen as bonus (sacred bonus) went on a trip from Paris to Lyon via Lille, Tours and Clermont-Ferrand to discover spots almost unknown to the general public, in short, an alternative route (itiniéraire bis) to the good skate video. With Marca Barbier, Hugo Corbin, Matt Débauché, Santiago Sasson and the extravagant Hadrien Haverland (that we unfortunately rarely have the opportunity to admire in this kind of videos), we must obviously expect a big dose of good mood, which really put forward in the Raw cuts. And to immortalize this atmosphere and this skateboarding style that breathes creativity who is a better choice than Olivier Fanchon? We just need some nice guests like Jo Dezecot or Jérémie Daclin for it to be perfect ...


This will be the breath of fresh air that is always needed to start the week! James Craven follow through on his series of videos for Grey dedicated to the real adventure of hunting for spots where there really should not be any, and if they were, they would most likely not be skatable… All this documented in a style that is very much his own. And what destination would fit all this better than Iceland? Do put your muffler on to watch this, seriously.


Carhartt W.I.P. gathered one heavy crew for Lentiicular, a collecti(i)on of clips filmed over the span of three years between New York, Paris, Madrid and Lisbon. Roger Gonzales' video work is simply beautiful and the cast only makes it more incredible, with a great mix of styles such as those of Andrew Wilson, Remy Taveira, Tolia Titaev, Felipe Bartolomé, Joseph Biais, Taylor Caruso and even Chris Milic. But above all, finally we get to enjoy a real part from Roman Gonzales who as usual never fails at getting creative, gracious and technical.

The alpha and the omega…

Once again, the Öctagon heads demonstrate how strong minded they are, by following their original concept with a persistence one can only salute, just as well as all the talents involved. Not much more to add, apart maybe that from the skating to the editing, everything here is about impeccable, and even more!

Sunday Night Special

Here is a perfect watch to end a week-end, and maybe put it back in perspective. Here is the Carhartt WIP team back in Mongolia, ten years later. Sure, the line-up has changed, but the country also, and and quite… Where skaters find out that this brave new world is designed for them. More or less.

Out & About

Let's head North this morning, with the results of many visits to Antwerp, Particle style, in a quasi winter mood, and therefore perfectly timed… In the end, you are getting spots you've never seen, and many unknown faces to us or you, amongst the few famous locals. Perfect!


Phil Zwiijsen has never been known for killing it softly, and this part for the venerable Belgium skateshop Lockwood, might even reach another notch up when it comes to speed, despite the harshest spots… If someone is bored and willing to count all the bricks or cobblestones rolled over in this edit, we are definitely interested to know!


Raw Zwijsen

Damn, Phil is on a tear lately… He has been stacking parts, and that one certainly did not take three years in the making, but still is powerful as hell… And you can hear it!


Voyage, voyage

Patrik Wallner has been developing his personal style in a very steady way, for a while, now, in between improbable travels, "forbidden" frontiers and a great documentation of the tourists skating, but he reaches here another level of his art, by telling more than the story of a band of buddies sharing cigarettes through a night in a train that nobody is sure of if it has a destination anymore… An eclectic group, an home-coming story of sorts, incredible skating: it's all here, and if you should show a skateboard video to someone that has no interest in it, well, this is Persian Version you should think of. Nothing else…

Grey skies

This new episode of Phil Evans series based around the panoramic format takes us to Antwerp, at the very edge of Belgium, under rainy skies… Which doesn't stop Phil Zwijsen to make the best of it.

Chasing hammers

As expected, Phil Zwijsen confirms his constant search for spots that take balls but also a good eye, while pushing faster and faster! Let's note Bram de Cleen featuring who, in a completely different genre, is also at the top of his game!


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