Evisen Super Rat

If Kento Yoshioka (already featured on LIVE quite a few times) found himself joining the Evisen ranks too recently to be able to take part in their 2017 full-length video, all is fixed now with this new edit that could very well have been a bonus segment on the timeline. And if the coherence is in the aesthetics, it's also in the gymnastics as Kento took it upon himself to demonstrate his own trademark choregraphy, the fruit of his own mental universe and the skate codes that come with it. In the end, the cultural symbiosis hits so right, most every profile of viewer is bound to find something memorable here - for instance the wallride variations down some vicious stairsets, if not the updates in the operating system of a whole bunch of ancient tricks, the general tempo or even the amazing filmmaking, again, like expected now from Katsumi Minami.

Hey man what's your style?

At the dawn of fall twenty twenty, the Magenta Skateboards epos keeps celebrating its tenth year of existence by honoring, in particular, its Parisian origins and this is exactly where this "BOULEVARD" stands, as a four-minute edit of VX-1000 footage collected by Quentin Delebecque (whose works we've recently presented to you here) and Romain Batard throughout the intertwined threads of both the streets of the French capital and last summer. On the menu: lotso' Soy clips (complete with his "STATIC III" footwear game), plenty more from Shogo Zama who apparently didn't struggle with adapting to the local terrain, and the heavy return of Masaki Ui's trademark violence and that's alongside cousins Alexis Jamet, Julien Oye, Emilien Bonnet, Antoine Jouguet and the whole extended family. All punctuated by a handful of Ruben Spelta featurings, some fancy two-wheel-driving courtesy of Olivier Ente, and Vivien and Glen's vacation footage!

"An Act Of Imagination"

I bet you didn't see that one coming: a kids book written by Scott Bourne… Inspired by his dad life, obviously, and the daily adventures it comes with, illustrated by his old accomplice, Todd Bratrud. Those two go back to their Consolidated days, and that new project only confirms their arts complement perfectlly each other, even when stepping away from their usual themes! So, first, have a look at the David Couliau-produced teaser, and if you know of a child with an endangered sense of imagination, don't hesitate! We dare you…

MEMENTO / Spot 02 - Doomed villas / GALERIE

The duo of Florent Théron (of Chiffre Huit fame, on the board) with Fred Schwal (behind the lens) is back, and the bearer of quite the diversity this time around, for the second chapter of their "MEMENTO". Indeed, if the entirety of the first was an homage to the defunct Stade du Rey in Nice, France, today, it is no less than three "spots" that the guys are here to present, after visiting them throughout the improvised plannings of their recent urbex peregrinations. So, on the menu: three abandoned homes, all with remarkable backstories, all of which Florent himself volunteered to cover, below!

STREET FEET "Radio Sessions" Vol. 2 / PREMIERE

How about an immaculate montage of some hard-hitting local skateboarding, strong of some mighty fine production all the while stemming straight from quite the authentic group of homies, to help encourage you to tackle the dawn of this autumn? Well, that's the kind of heat Rob Mentov of Street Feet (whose past productions can be peeped here) is bringing today, with volume two of their "RADIO SESSIONS" in Toronto, Canada - a Hi-8 and 16mm series originally launched with chapter one, here. And the song's the same: urban vibes, most often of the nocturnal type that just screams post-work sesh and, thanks to the crew's strong creative vision and effort, they all successfully materialize under the form of this slick edit, in addition to the body of photographic and visual works featured on this page; as though to remind us all how Rob can really operate cameras of all kinds, but also that improvisation and quality aren't mutually exclusive!


Silence Skateboards, the brand ran by Simon Grassart out of Brussels, Belgium for the past few years is another entity LIVE has introduced to you before, and one that regularly likes inviting you into its daily reality (and the corresponding skate sessions) via episodic video capsules, dubbed "ZAP". And while you can still (re-)watch the former installment in the series here, today, it's a brand new one - number eight, to be specific - that we're sharing with you. This one is special not just due to the sheer caliber of the skateboarding, but all the more that it's entirely been in the works since the very beginning of the current pandemic - a fact Simon himself highlights:

"What a wack year! The idea of a national lockdown just in time for the very first sunny days of the year here in Belgium was already quite nightmare-ish in itself, especially given that the transition was pretty steep here: just picture weeks and weeks of constant overcast weather and rain that suddenly came to an end, only to left way to seemingly permanent blue skies (themselves quite the oddity for Belgium in March, come to think of it...). But then that perspective became a reality: one with a taste of dystopia, and our surroundings essentially turned into a new world with new codes, and many silenced interrogations... For now, please just make sure to enjoy every outdoor session - because, who knows? Such liberties just might become out of reach, soon enough..." - Simon Grassart

The Manwho Souled The World

We've mentioned works from the Japanese crew Manwho before, although without ever really getting to give them a proper introduction; today, we're happily righting this wrong with their new montage - dedicated to Jupiter ("木星") - and quite violently so, too, as it's got to be one of our favorite edits that came out this year. We're talking six minutes of peak VX-1000 maneuvering around some very remarkable urban skating - all killer no filler - resulting in precious, pristine footage then set to an upbeat and surprisingly joyful soundtrack, making for quite the hypnotic motivational watch; one you'll probably find yourself going back to. And, while all of that sounds just like their classic recipe (given that they're already strong of several full-length DVD's, in between more creative productions, and also of quite the YouTube channel), even the most initiated fans are bound to be shocked by how much everyone is upping the ante here - all in front of Kazuya Yokoe's lens. This even includes Magenta Skateboards rider Shogo Zama, for even more clips after his very recent appearance in Kenta Okamoto's latest video: "PALE". Just beautiful!

PREMIERE / "Pale" / Kenta Okamoto / INTERVIEW

Kenta Okamoto, from Tokyo: LIVE has had the pleasure of sharing his works before, and some great local videos they are, most often pairing up remarkable urban skating from underrepresented rippers with rather dreamy soundtracks, in a style only made even more particular by his fondness for the less popular Sony VX-2000, which he actually puts to stellar use. Today, LIVE is presenting "PALE": Kenta's brand new twelve-minute film, his most ambitious one to date and for the occasion, we got to ask him a few questions regarding the process and intent, as to complete the picture. An exchange you're welcome to read, available in both English, French and Japanese (again thanks to the gracious help of our good friend Connor Kammerer), just below!

Eric's tip: "PULL UP"!

Barely surprisingly from such an indie video fiend, Eric Nguyen, the filmer behind the Select videos - amongst others - recently took it upon himself to get us in touch with Juan Reyna, a fellow filmmaker from Texas. From Laredo, more specifically - a city just bordering Mexico, and that's where Juan operates and runs quite the prolific YouTube channel from. But for the sake of "PULL UP", it is to N.Y.C. that he and his crew went, for some skate tourism that really doesn't look like such on footage as those eleven minutes of dynamic VX-1000 and savantly exposed Super 8 highlight a certain ease on the spots that suffices to make them blend in as locals. The immersion is real, the atmosphere so specific to the Big Apple is duly captured and rendered, and the creativity is also present, with the occasional nollie 540 flip out of nosewheelie - a trick Ron Knigge would have golf clapped for!

For some complementary content, please enjoy this photo gallery, a contribution by Rene Reyes.

Now, who's your daddy!?

Well, monsieur Puig…



Quentin Delebecque - aka. Mr. Singha on the Instagrams and YouTubes - just dropped a smash hit with "LES ZINVAHISSEURS", just short of ten minutes of Parisian VX-1000 brimming with brillance, but also humor. The roster is as colorful as it gets, with plenty of unique profiles you wouldn't expect to ever share a timeline yet just so happen to do it so well; it notably comprises Elson Patrick and Auguste Fenez (the same duo behind "JARDIN D'HIVER"), Tyrone O'Hanrahan does not seem to mind Léo Spartacus' or Paul Gallelli's company whatsoever, and Masaki Ui goes in with what's got to be the crooked bonk of the year - complete with crazy outraged pedestrians.

LIVE can only encourage you - again - to look into Quentin's YouTube channel as it's chockful of quality productions, including this great edit of Lille O.G.: Olivier "Tavu" Ente (as of today, strong of a grand total of fifty views; make sure to also check out Tavu's Instagram feed), or "CUSTOM", Quentin's former video - which we somehow managed to miss sharing around the time of its release last winter, but to this day remains well worth your time.


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