Romain Bâtard

Lux Veritas

"LUX VERITAS" is a three-minute VX edit that was assembled by Sami Lababedi, and recently shown at the latest Parisian Roundabout to date - that is, Sergej Vutuc's itinerant, independent skate film festival, that one time as part of PSSFF. About the clip, Sami speaks the truth:

"Well in the first place, those clips were something nobody was doing anything with - they had been just sitting there for a while, on this or that filmer's hard drives.

I thought that was a bit of a shame, and so I suggested to get them and put them all together into one edit of my friends, filmed throughout Paris, Brussels and the South of France." - Sami Lababedi

Take Five (Pushes)

Push Periodical, the independent, print photography-oriented skate mag orchestrated by legendary photographer from the U.K. Richard Hart (interviewed by LIVE here), celebrates its five years of existence (only? already?) as a petite entreprise with "5", an exclusive edit signed by just-as-legendary Sony VX-1000 wizard Zach Chamberlin which revisits a past half-of-a-decade mostly spent on the road - or when the San Francisco hills decide to lead you somewhere in between Portugal and Hungary... On the program: nearly forty skaters documented throughout that timespan, whose most footage has found a home in different productions in the meantime and yet, they manage to take a whole new flavo(u)r here - which isn't that surprising as Rich can definitely school anyone on how clementines really make camembert come alive, and that's in spite of all their preconceived notions. Behind the camera, in addition to Zach: Colin Read, Romain Batard, Chris Thiessen, Grant Yasura... And Dan Wolfe, for the final tribute to Keith Hufnagel - of course. The soundtrack is by a longtime friend of Richard's: Brigid Dawson.

Hey man what's your style?

At the dawn of fall twenty twenty, the Magenta Skateboards epos keeps celebrating its tenth year of existence by honoring, in particular, its Parisian origins and this is exactly where this "BOULEVARD" stands, as a four-minute edit of VX-1000 footage collected by Quentin Delebecque (whose works we've recently presented to you here) and Romain Batard throughout the intertwined threads of both the streets of the French capital and last summer. On the menu: lotso' Soy clips (complete with his "STATIC III" footwear game), plenty more from Shogo Zama who apparently didn't struggle with adapting to the local terrain, and the heavy return of Masaki Ui's trademark violence and that's alongside cousins Alexis Jamet, Julien Oye, Emilien Bonnet, Antoine Jouguet and the whole extended family. All punctuated by a handful of Ruben Spelta featurings, some fancy two-wheel-driving courtesy of Olivier Ente, and Vivien and Glen's vacation footage!


Quentin Delebecque - aka. Mr. Singha on the Instagrams and YouTubes - just dropped a smash hit with "LES ZINVAHISSEURS", just short of ten minutes of Parisian VX-1000 brimming with brillance, but also humor. The roster is as colorful as it gets, with plenty of unique profiles you wouldn't expect to ever share a timeline yet just so happen to do it so well; it notably comprises Elson Patrick and Auguste Fenez (the same duo behind "JARDIN D'HIVER"), Tyrone O'Hanrahan does not seem to mind Léo Spartacus' or Paul Gallelli's company whatsoever, and Masaki Ui goes in with what's got to be the crooked bonk of the year - complete with crazy outraged pedestrians.

LIVE can only encourage you - again - to look into Quentin's YouTube channel as it's chockful of quality productions, including this great edit of Lille O.G.: Olivier "Tavu" Ente (as of today, strong of a grand total of fifty views; make sure to also check out Tavu's Instagram feed), or "CUSTOM", Quentin's former video - which we somehow managed to miss sharing around the time of its release last winter, but to this day remains well worth your time.

Giddy 11

Romain Batard, the French skate filmmaker LIVE really shouldn't have to introduce to you by now just on the basis of his longevity in the field, is back today with the eleventh chapter in his series-turned-saga "GIDDY" - and pretty clearly the most ambitious one that is, also including contributions from some equally prestigious video fiends, for a timeline just short of twenty minutes in total - but rest assured you won't catch a break!

On the menu: stunts from the usual suspects - Edouard DepazValentin BauerJoseph BiaisLilian FevMarc-A BarbierRemy Taveira - but also many others (including Max Palmer, Sylvain Tognelli, Mika Germond, Dustin Dollin... Quite the universal roster!), immortalized on Parisian spots aplenty - some classic ones and some more rare nugs, all approached with a sweet creative twist. Out of many examples, one of Soy's many fountains gets reinvented (and that's despite the mysterious disappearance of the corresponding Instagram account), but really it's the whole landscape of the French capital that gets dripped into new colors here, from the most famous plazas to the most unknown street corners possible (e.g.. le Dôme's three-flat-three, or the benches at République)... All in great fun as well, just bathing in the rhythm of the daily sessions.

Chic, chic, chic!

And as a complementary bonus, we are happy to share with y'all this photo gallery, by Max Verret!

Magenta welcomes Shogo Zama

Twenty twenty as a year already marks one decade of existence for Magenta Skateboards, an original initiative by the Feil brotherhood (Jean and Vivien) and Soy Panday; now, as though to celebrate this anniversary, they're inviting Japanese style master Shogo Zama onto the team. The video announcement, entirely composed in Paris, is the work of Romain Batard, and Vivien, Soy, Glen Fox as well as Ruben Spelta also pay their dues, dotting the timeline with remarkable appearances.

As bonus - and in our best attempt at not letting this one slip through the cracks in spite of the currently merciless pace of video releases - here is the new full-length video "VESTIGES" by Eric Mertz (the independent filmmaker behind "PORTALS" LIVE interviewed a while back here), a Strasbourg-based production in which Soy and Vivien, amongst many others, can be spotted performing more magic tricks amidst a twenty-minute-long, artfully crafted universe.

Inside O.U.T.

Arthur Chiron - you might remember his name as the performer of many a demonstration of urban prowess, notably frozen in time in « Frame By Frame », the French classic independent full-length video by Romain Batard, Olivier Fanchon, Greg Dezecot and Aymeric Bertrand from a decade ago - already… Well, Arthur made some wise use of said time span, focusing on his studies as a plastic artist whose interest revolves around one’s personal exploration and interpretation of the physical space, as influenced by Raphaël Zarka, who supports him. Anyway, the latest expression of such reflections just manifested itself, under the name Inside Out: an exhibition of uncommon structures all extracted from one same core then peppered throughout the main hall of Théâtre Le Quai in Angers, France, since last Saturday and up till June; a time period during which space will keep getting explored, as the structures will regularly be flipped over and moved around… Now, let’s salute this remarkable demonstration of cultural avant-gardism from the organizers and sponsors, and celebrate Arthur’s works the way he would really like everyone to: by jamming wallies everywhere at this skatepark that really isn’t one!

Inside O.U.T. will be skatable till June, look it up here, if you want to visit!

More, here:

Betcha' Get Giddy!

Yet another proof that Romain Batard never sleeps, his "Giddy" series hits hard again with a new installment, this time centered around the Parisian vacation of the otherwise Cali-based Aaron Yant and Duncan Byrnes. "They hit me up on Instagram to tell me they were in town. We filmed everything over the course of just three days, but I wish I could have stayed the whole week we were there, their energy and productivity was off the charts", Romain tells us. Well, their creativity appears to be on just that level too, revisiting some classic spots of the capital with fresh (or old?) moves and twisting the surrounding terrain in ways no one had before!

Charles' tip: "New York 1993"!

"Such a must see!" Or when the Rennes locals go on holidays in NYC… What do you think happened? A storm of hammers, that's what happened, with even an Ellington featuring! Nice find, Charles!


Alexis Jamet and Romain Bâtard, you have already seen them collaborate on LIVE mixing illustration, skating and filmmaking, and they are back at it, this time to illustrate friends' music, and have a good time. You will also enjoy it, we guarantee!

Conversation / Alexis Jamet & Romain Batard

This one part put together two multi-talented indivisals… Which you might have never heard of. This could help fix that!

Hors Champ, 5 W's

Our new Off Size project takes skateboard photography to a new level, and here Romain Batard breaks it down for you!


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