Adilson Pedro

Aka. Ser Superstar

Sergio Cadaré, without a doubt this planet's biggest ever Slick Rick fan, when not busy tattooing, officializes his stay on the DC Shoes team roster with an eponymous clip where his impeccable technique and west coast-influenced style really shine. But his two minutes of footage only are the introduction to what then turns out to be a full-fledged Bordeaux edit featuring a plethora of other faces, from Léo Valls to Benjamin Garcia, Nick Dias and even Tom Penny with a surprise appearance. Drew filmed it all, the titles are by Emilien Bonnet, the music notably by Simon Algéo and everything is dedicated to the memory of Adrien "Canardo" Blanc.

Take Five (Pushes)

Push Periodical, the independent, print photography-oriented skate mag orchestrated by legendary photographer from the U.K. Richard Hart (interviewed by LIVE here), celebrates its five years of existence (only? already?) as a petite entreprise with "5", an exclusive edit signed by just-as-legendary Sony VX-1000 wizard Zach Chamberlin which revisits a past half-of-a-decade mostly spent on the road - or when the San Francisco hills decide to lead you somewhere in between Portugal and Hungary... On the program: nearly forty skaters documented throughout that timespan, whose most footage has found a home in different productions in the meantime and yet, they manage to take a whole new flavo(u)r here - which isn't that surprising as Rich can definitely school anyone on how clementines really make camembert come alive, and that's in spite of all their preconceived notions. Behind the camera, in addition to Zach: Colin Read, Romain Batard, Chris Thiessen, Grant Yasura... And Dan Wolfe, for the final tribute to Keith Hufnagel - of course. The soundtrack is by a longtime friend of Richard's: Brigid Dawson.

The unusual somewhere else

Antwerp and Lisboa: two destinations that are so close, yet not so often considered, for obvious or not preconceptions about artisanal paving for one, and gloomy weather for the other. Nothing that could even slow down the Push Periodical homies, as they are fully aware of the adage stating that one never willing to get trialed, will never skate anything new. Plus, if you take Bobby Worrest with you, everything should and will be more than all right!

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