Josh Kalis

That bench you didn't know you wanted!

This in-depth piece of journalism by the always on point Quartersnacks reminds us of two facts… One, Los Angeles, depite its superficy coming with an insane aount of the bits and pieces that make a city might not be the street skating paradise we all secretly dream of when gazing at our local waxed curb! That, and the fact that Mister Van Engelen is one hell of a psyshopath, and the world is lucky he decided to channel his inner tenacity via a skateboard, and not a less positive activity!

B. B. Kings

For this Sunday's brunch, it's one savant cocktail of savors that awaits you right now under the form of this edit by legendary N.Y.C. skate filmmaker R.B. Umali (yes, the one behind "MIXTAPE" for a golden-era Zoo York, amongst many other works). As its title suggests, we're talking a retrospective of footage collected throughout the decades and video productions, nowhere but at the mythical skate spot of Brooklyn Banks. One that just so happens to be under quite the imminent threat of destruction, by the way - a decision one can still help oppose via this petition right here. Anyway, in the silly hypothesis that such a landmark would need a video resume of sorts to certify its cultural importance to the masses, then this one would have to be it, featuring a who's who of some of the most classic East Coast styles and pretty much a compilation of the most memorable moves and moments ever spent on those bricks. Just look at that roster!


In the same timeless, classic vein as "CLOSURE", the video retrospective of Dan Wolfe's works throughout the years that LIVE also shared recently, but with a more accute emphasis on the Philadelphia and New Jersey scenes this time (with some San Francisco still thrown in the mix for good measure), and far less renowned: that is "ABSTRACT", by Vern Laird. That first video effort of his came out just in time for the beginning of the twenty-first century after having been filmed (on both a VX-1000 and a VX-3) between 1997 and 1999, and judging from the impeccable roster, Vern knew the right talents to pick: bear witness to just that, a historical section by Tim Achille (for the longest time, the only one available online), a part for Rich Adler then in developing embryo form, an insane friends section featuring all the epoch's monarchs (from Bobby Puleo to Jake Rupp without forgetting about Tony Cox, Josh Kalis and Stevie Williams - already an iconic duo, Brian Wenning, Andre Page, Pat Corcoran, A.J. Mazzu, Sergei Trudnowski, Will Harmon or even Rob Pluhowski...), accompanying footage of quite the speedy, aggressive yet original Damian Smith and of Brennan John, claiming the curtains to a Bad Brains song. Oh and Vern has his own segment, too! All for a VHS that only came in five hundred copies, and the content of which only just recently reached the shores of the Internet. Now, what a relief for the culture!

Kalis alert!

A collaboration no one was really expecting or at least, only as much as over a minute of footage of an often imitated, never replicated Josh Kalis surfacing like that out of the blue - but of course those are, in both cases, interesting news!

Visibly, DC Shoes is issuing a collaboration capsule with our friends from Perth, Australia who do Butter Goods and, logically, it is Josh Roberts (of the "Domingo" video series, amongst others) that was hired and teleported straight to Chicago, in order to film demonstrations of the aforementioned Josh Kalis' trademark form of impeccable 360 flips, but also some remarkable maneuvers by Philly Santosuosso, the man behind Humidity Skateshop, for the picture to be complete.

2019 Summer mix


Keeping it east!

Well, so we live in a time where DC shoes is completely in tune with the now! And proves it with a full East Coast edit, including a Kalis on top of his game and a large serving of all the up-end-comers, among which John Gardner that proves himself completely unpredictable. And, at the complete opposite of the spectrum, they also have that  Shanahan dude that drops here a full part that should make you a fan, if it's not already the case! Yep, those DC dudes are on point, you should give the a follow… : )

The ill shit…

So, let's keep going with the educational program, with a rather cohesive explanation of why Stevie Williams and Josh Kalis matter… And if you wonder what 411 might have been, think of some sort of Instagram feed that would have come out in tape every… What do you mean, "what's a tape!?" Ahh, nevermind…

Textbook Kalis

Where Josh states once again the fundamentals when it comes to constructions lines…

All nighter!

Where, in 2016, DGK makes a full come-back to the roots: just skating, raw skating, great skating! Quite unexpected, and very entertaining…

Sabotage 4 promo

One can trust the Sabotage heads for coming up with that street style you want to see and, here, between the classy featurings and the usual heads, this promises a sick full length… But, for now, you can enjoy a full part of Dylan Sourbeer whose crooks fakie, crooks line should go down in the history books of Love Park, we say!

Now you know…

No comment… Seriously, what are you supposed to pontificate about after this? "If you don't know…"

West Coast, baby!

DGK keeps on sharing its "throw-away", and the term is not fitting at all, if you ponder the general level of it all! Real street skating, and when Josh Kalis skates San Francisco, life seems just right, doesn't it?


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